Overcoming the Hype of FPV Drone Racing

The Technology Hype Cycle

If you visit this site regularly, you know that we talk frequently about FPV drone racing and the excitement that the hobby is generating. At the PSFK 2016 conference in New York, Nick Horbaczewski introduced the audience to the new sport of drone racing, and his organization, the DRL (Drone Racing League).

However, despite all the hype and excitement around this fledgeling sport, Nick cautioned the audience about their expectations. The challenge, he says, is that Hollywood movies and video games often set unrealistic expectations about what technology can do. Sure we have robots that can vacuum our floors, but most people expect them to be more like C3PO from Star Wars. Nick has come up with four rules for embracing and using the hype to his advantage with the DRL. To learn what those four rules are and to understand the “Hype Cycle”, click here to read the article.

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Ready Set Drone is a Texas based web site and youtube channel for all things drone, quadcopter and FPV! Check us out on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/c/readysetdroneuav

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